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Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 im. św. Wojciecha in Cracow, run by Gmina Kraków, is funded entirely by the state. Its pupils, aged 7-13, are provided education during a six year cycle of teaching and learning. The school is located in the 3rd district of the city of Cracow, in the centre of a neighbourhood inhabited by more than ten thousand people.


The school is frequented by a wide variety of pupils (total number of 659), including the ones with special educational needs and the academically gifted ones. Almost 30% of children are involved in a special support programme, which aim is to provide psychological and pedagogic help. Different projects are being carried out in the school, including those financed by the European Social Fund, such as ‘Practical Physical Education’ and ‘Individualization of a teaching process in classes I-III’. In the past we also took part in the project ‘Diamond’.


Forming pupils’ personality is considered a particularly important goal the school strives to reach. We would like our pupils to grow up to be wise, honest and responsible persons, respectful towards both their own cultural and national identity as well as towards other people’s. That is why our pupils take part in the programmes “Szkoła bez przemocy” (‘Non-violent school’), “Uczeń – obywatel” (‘Pupil – citizen’) and similar ones.


The school employs 57 highly qualified teachers with various educational backgrounds. 70% of them have achieved the highest positions in their profession. Participation in an international programme would be a huge chance for both pupils and employees, enabling them to exchange views and learn about foreign educational systems. But first of all, it would allow them to cooperate and start friendships in order to help young Europeans build a society in a spirit of good citizenship, based on shared values, diverse histories and traditions.

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 im. św. Wojciecha

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